Thursday, April 12, 2007

Moving Along...

Well, I'm getting the story notes down on paper finally...I'm making good progress, actually...getting about a page or 2 down a day...getting the main story points down...

The next step after I'm done will be to type it out into a more formal rough draft treatment...then I can go through and fix all the plot holes and redundant points...

Been doing some sketches for characters...will finish those and post them soon...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Welcome to the first installment of the Golden Age Diaries!

Here, I'll be showcasing my latest comic book endeavour, tentatively titled "Golden Age Warriors"...Yes, I'm not entirely satisfied with this title, so I'm working on a new's just not top priority right this minute as I haven't even written a single line of story's still just all in my head...

And that's where this blog comes in...I'll be posting updates on the progress of the development of the comic from conception to final publish...which will be online at first and then, God-willing, I'll be able to publish it in paper form...but that's a long ways down the steps, Brian...

I'll be posting updates on character developments, story ideas and artwork for the project...

I hope you enjoy the trip! Please feel free to leave any comments on what you see, good or bad...

Let's get rollin'!